Yes, your student belongs at Autumn Hill!
Application Process
To get started, simply fill out our application form with basic information about your student. We’ve purposely designed this form to be quick and easy—it will only take a few moments to complete. If you’d like more information, please feel free to contact us. We know that every parent has questions, and we’re always here for you! Please submit your application by April 1st.
Enrollment Process
If there aren’t enough available seats for all applicants, we’ll hold a lottery on April 1st to determine who receives initial enrollment offers. The lottery will also be used to develop a waitlist, with names being added to the list in the order they’re drawn.
We’ll notify applicants of lottery results no later than April 4th and send an enrollment packet to those who are being offered a spot in the first round. Families who do not return their materials by April 25th will be moved to end of the waitlist and a second round of enrollment offers will be sent, enabling others to take their place.
Ready to Get Started?
There’s no need to wait—we purposely designed the application form to be quick and easy. Click now to get started!